Category: Trauma

A space to deepen your understanding of trauma and its profound impact on the mind and body. Here, we explore the physiological and mental effects of trauma, unraveling the ways it influences emotions, behaviors, and relationships. Through education and insight, this category aims to empower survivors with knowledge, fostering awareness as the first step toward healing and growth.

  • The Five Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn & Flop

    Read Time: Est. 10-12 Minutes A Better Understanding of Trauma Responses Most people have heard of fight or flight-the body’s automatic reaction to danger. It’s often described as a primal survival instinct: when faced with a threat, we either stand our ground and fight, or we run. But our bodies are far more complex than… read more

  • What is Trauma? Understanding its Impact and Mechanisms

    Read Time: Est. 22-26 Minutes The word trauma is often used casually-describing everything from a stressful exam to a disappointing breakup. While painful and distressing, not all difficult experiences create trauma in the nervous system. Trauma in its true form is far more complex and deeply rooted in the body, brain, and mind. It is… read more

  • Healing From a Recent Trauma You Don’t Remember


    Read Time: EST 10-12 Minutes To be honest I really don’t even know how to start this one. How do I find the right words to start what will probably be one of the most important posts I will ever write? How Do You Begin to Heal Without Answers? Confronted with the reality of my… read more

  • The Polyvagal Theory: Understanding Our Threat Responses

    Read Time: Est 10-12 Minutes Trauma Responses: The Ancient Predilection to Survive Trauma affects people in a wide variety of ways, with responses ranging across a spectrum from fight and flight to freeze and shutdown. Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory sheds light on the biological systems that drive these observable behaviors, revealing how our autonomic… read more

  • The Window of Tolerance: How Trauma Lives in the Body

    Read Time: Est 6 Minutes When the body perceives a threat, it initiates a physiological and hormonal reaction commonly known as the Fight or Flight response. This survival mechanism, ingrained in us through evolution, helps us fight back, flee, or freeze when we face danger or harm. However, after staying in fight-or-flight mode for too… read more